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        智能探测是Golden King地下金属探测系统在全世界范围内独一无二的特性。智能探测系统在接通之后会迅速激活并监视用户的任何操作直至探测与搜寻结束。由于使用了高性能显示技术,用户可通过显示屏实时查看自己的操作行为。 黄金王深处理器雷达是迄今为止在人造系统中从地下接收数据的最好的系统。

        本仪器是全金属探测器,具备强大的识别金属种类功能, 并可在显示屏上即时显示金属种类。

        诺克塔工程,多年来一直在生产最发达的民事,军事和技术检测系统在世界上。 .为了庆祝自己的7周年诺克塔已超过所有以前生产的探测器其新一代雷达技术。 其中一个最先进的研究和发展设施的世界,诺克塔工程再次证明是无可争辩的领导者在这个领域有了新的黄金王(探测器)深处理器雷达。

        您还没有看到或听说过这样的新一代雷达黄金王探测器,因为它的确是一种最先进的探测雷达系统。金王(探测器)深处理器雷达生产使用的ARM9微处理技术的能力有150 %的进程更多的样本,比普通的金属探测器有210 %速度! 它是世界上唯一处理图像系统的目标实时成像探测。  

       你可以在Golden King金属探测系统上的结果显示屏观看目标信号的三维图。结果显示屏上有三个图像窗口。第一个窗口是信号的俯视图。第二个窗口是信号的侧视图。第三个窗口是信号的透视图。在三维透视图上左侧的垂直比例尺上可以看到目标信号的振幅。同样从左侧的水平比例尺上你可以看到扫描区的宽度。从底端的水平比例尺上你可以看到扫描区的长度。参照这些比例尺,你可以预测目标信号的长度和宽度。从结果显示屏的右侧的报告部分,你可以了解到目标信号的信息,作为下一步行动的线索。

        在陆地或海上,不需用100%的准确度操作,探测装置和雷达系统可传送100%性能。按科学的方法,它可以获得100%结果。 就它提供的结果而言,黄金王深处理器雷达是该技术方面最为先进的。 黄金王深处理器雷达系统技术手册中给出的数据和深度值是在实验室中得到的。

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通过Golden King金属探测系统中的智能

有了Golden King金属探测系统,你可以通过示波器屏实时跟踪目标信号的振幅。在此屏幕上,你可以找到目标物中心的最高振幅并查看空洞和金属目标物的信号图。

Golden King金属探测系统的另一个创新是雷达屏幕。有了这个屏幕,客户跟踪系统的操作时,可以根据雷达屏幕上的颜色变化了解到探测到的物体包括金属/空洞(负面/正面)的信息。如果是正面(金属)信号,雷达屏幕变红。如果是负面(空洞)信号,屏幕变蓝。通过这种方式,用户可以得到有关目标物的初步信息,可以更快的实施探测。

Golden King金属探测系统通过报告屏传递给用户有关目标物的初步信息,以及接下来要进行的步骤。向你身边的一个私人导游,报告屏将是探测过程中与你并肩作战的战友,而且会告诉你所有你想知道的信息并对操作步骤进行控制。


考虑到用户习惯了以前使用的系统,Golden King金属探测系统上的仪表选项已设计成一个便捷的探测界面。这里包含普通探测(数字探测)的各个部分,但是以仪表的形式表现出来的。

在你使用Golden King金属探测系统进行探测的过程中,你可以通过仪表探测功能跟踪从目标信号接收到的所有数据和信息。探测到的物体是铁还是合金或者是金?你可以通过这个数字仪表跟踪所有信息并从相关数据了解到金属-矿物含量。这样你又有了一条了解地下目标探测物是不是金属的途径。


在你用Golden King金属探测系统进行探测的过程中,你可以通过示波器屏实时跟踪目标信号的振幅。在此屏幕上,你可以找到目标物中心的最高振幅并查看空洞和金属目标物的信号图。与普通探测功能不同的是,当你使用仪表探测功能时,你可以监控目标信号的最高点。指针指示的最高点代表了目标信号的中心。

你可以在Golden King金属探测系统上的结果显示屏观看目标信号的三维图。结果显示屏上有三个图像窗口。第一个窗口是信号的俯视图。第二个窗口是信号的侧视图。第三个窗口是信号的透视图。



黄金王深处理器雷达系统,一个7英寸的显示屏, 800 X 480分辨率,262.000 色彩, 18位色彩深度。 







黄金王深度处理器雷达有三种适宜的探测圈,用于不用的目的。.探测圈监督每一个用户的动作,尽量减少由使用产生的逆反结果。通过Golden King金属探测系统中的智能探测线圈,可以通过互动探测屏幕监控自己进行的探测和目标物。















黄金王深度处理器雷达,提供两个可选择的地面平衡。有自动和手动菜单 。










黄金王深度处理器雷达,当你按信息按钮的,不论你进入哪一个菜单和章节,你可以进入相关菜单或章节的陈述。 配件 •    主机箱
•    延伸的管道
•    电池盒
•    装料设备
•    皮箱
•    表面探测圈
•    一般探测圈
•    深度探测圈 (可以任选的)
•    摄像仪 (可以选择的)
•    气体传感器 (可以任选的)
•    耳机
 实际探测图   英文介绍 

Real-time 3D Results Screen

These technological constructs are not really even capable of rotating these pre-installed images that are claimed to be signal graphics. The consumers are given false promises with these claims of capabilities that simply are not there. No device has yet managed to process target signals into graphics in real-time, and not been able to move these graphics. You are done with these systems that simply call results from a library images for good. Golden King Deep Processor Radar is the first system in the world that can process signals as 3D with their real time. It is a system that nobody has seen or even imagined before. It is incomparable in features and capabilities to earlier detector systems, many times more powerful than the ordinary detectors with its technology and software. Its 32 bytes processor is 25 times faster than the processes which have been used until today. Its 128 RAM memory is 29,127 times larger than those being used on detectors systems (4, 5 KB) and its non-volatile memory (CPU) is 21,800 times much more than the previous systems. This device brings together the most advanced technology of our day.


Golden King Deep Processor Radar, which can detect signals up to 8 meters deep in high definition, can analyze these in detail within seconds and returns them to the user in novel clarity.


Below are cavity samples analysis. These structures are never similar to other ones and cavities may occur next to each other as well. Using our system you will be able to analyze target signals in unprecedented detail. While analyzing cavity, cavities in rows or metals within cavity, you will be able to retrieve related size details and voltage values of your targets and you will also be able to rotate these images in all directions. Don抰 forget that many people in the world pay thousands of Euros for fake representations of these images. There is no end to what you can achieve with Golden King Deep Processor Radar.


Golden King Deep Processor Radar抯 unique software and hardware provide a complete analysis of target signals. Every underground object has some level of surface effect on it which sometimes is so small for older and ordinary systems to detect. Golden King Deep Processor Radar allows you to analyze even the smallest details. You will experience the pleasure of having the most advanced technology at hand and you will be able to carry your searches and investigations without missing a clue.



Golden King Deep Process Radar uses a camera system that can record in high-quality on land or underwater:

Caves filled water, passages, tunnels, vaults, wells, seas or lakes... none of these tough environments will hold you back from your searches and nothing will stay out of your sight.

Golden King Deep Processor Radar employs a top-level data processing and imaging quality so with the help of DVD-quality images, you will never have to delay your searches and excavations again.

Golden King Deep Processor Radar system抯 night-vision camera captures images in high quality up to 30 meters deep underwater, and in places where there is no sunlight.

Your camera comes with a 30 mt. cable to provide ease of use at any desired depth. An underwater camera capable of recording under 30 mt. itself could cost you a device抯 worth, while you can get a whole radar system with our del (your camera alone would抰 be able to record or replay during shooting either.)

Golden King Deep Processor Radar provides all these operations conveniently on a single system.

You can share your images with your friends or experts using instant replay and recording features on your system.

With your purchase of Golden King Deep Processor, you won抰 only be getting the most advanced new generation radar in the world, but you will also finally start to enjoy researching.

In locations like seas and lakes, where you would be left with your doubts, you will be observing spaces where you could only access with tube diving

Golden King Deep Processor Radar will be one of the biggest advantages in your searches.


Gas Sensor

Another original novelty from NOKTA ENGINEERING. Golden King Deep Processor Radar抯 GAS SENSOR function will greatly help protect you from toxic metal oxidation related gases and other natural underground gases that may be harmful for your health when you are in closed environments.

Golden King Deep Processor Radar抯 warning system will notify you whether the gas level in open or closed environments you are working is harmful for you or not.

For Golden King Deep Processor Radar, your life is very important.


Smart Detection Heads

Surface Search Head


This detection head can retrieve high-definition results up to three meters deep as it is specially designed for objects near surface and small objects. This head is most ideal for single coin searches as it is more sensible to small metals than any other detection head. You may also disable the alueless?mode and continue your search without valueless metals (soda caps, nails, iron wires and tins) getting into your sight and slowing you down. Surface detection head is also highly capable of sorting metals. With this head, however small it may be, you won be missing any target.

General Detection Head

This detection head, which is specially designed for searches from 0 to 5 meters with extremely successful results in high-definition, is also designed to obtain the most accurate results from the surface. Its state-of-the-art metal sorting capability, flawless definition of targets and the ability to search without the valueless metals in sight will turn your searches into a pleasure.

Deep Detection Head


Golden King Deep Processor Radar is designed for deep searches. The surface detection head is capable of results within 0-3 meters deep. The general detection head incorporates a unique microprocessor which analyzes signals within a range of 5 meters with ease and reports results. With a size of 100X60 cm, the deep detection head will allow you to get results from as deep as 8 meters. Deep detection head抯 metal sorting capability is sharper and more precise than any other head.



Unique Deep Processor Radar (DPR) System

Radar which can analyze the underground area with high resolution

Smart Detection System that controls all the movements of the user

3D Real-time graphic signal processing

Easy use of both automatic and manual ground tuning options

Arm 9 base microprocessor, 12 800 times more non-volatile memory, and 150 times more speed.

7'' TFT 264000 color monitor, DVD picture quality

Anti Glare and Sun mode which prevent the bad effects of the sun

Key pad produced with the multiple functions of backlight technology

10 language options.

Excellent stereo sound quality, headphones with sound tune

Camera with night vision capable of recording both on earth and 30m under the water

3D results and a capacity for saving the recorded videos

Gas sensor measuring the accumulated methane in closed areas

Operating manual menu with interactive animation

Menu with interactive signs and symbols, 365 signs you can come across on the land explained

Simple use with a guide system

Excellent design, maximum tolerance to humidity, water, cold and heat with a thermoset engineering plastic

Smart detector heads satisfying every search need: Surface Search (single coin), General Search and Deep Search heads

Lithium-ion battery

Technical Features

By the excellent technology which offers 21.800 times more powerful non-volatile memory and 150 times more powerful evaluation capacity, now we are able to tell with certainty and precision that the reflected effect is coming from the ground.

Smart Head Detectors can detect the positive affect of the metal with such a speed and precision that no other system is capable of doing so and notify its user the negative effects at the very same time.

With its advanced ability of negative detection and evaluation, this system has surpassed the simple bobin logics as it is capable of ignoring the negative affects by calculating the mistakes the user makes during his/her search.

With this great technology, our capacity to sense positive effects has developed very much. In addition to this, our capacity to sense negative effects increased so much that you cannot find it in another system in the world.

Let us bury a bracelet under 10 meters under the ground that no system can detect. The Golden King New Generation Radar can detect easily the hidden place of the bracelet with its detection and sensing ability.

The Golden King New Generation Radar which can detect the objects in very deep places, by its smart detector heads can also detect easily the objects which include no metal without any limit put on the depth. You will own the only system which is capable of detecting both metal and non-metal objects.

The sensing capacity of the Golden King New Generation Radar does not get affected by the object being stone, marble, wood or plastic.

Technical Specifications
Detection Head210 x 315360 x 440600 x 1000Frequency12.5 kHz12.5 kHz12.5 kHzOperation SystemTFTTFTTFT
DEPTH (cm)5 x 560 cm85 cm80 cm10 x 1080 cm110 cm120 cm20 x 20115 cm140 cm160 cm30 x 30140 cm182 cm215 cm40 x 40155 cm220 cm245 cm60 x 60185 cm270 cm305 cm80 x 80225 cm295 cm350 cm100 x 100245 cm335 cm410 cmhese measurements are generated in laboratory environment.

This data may vary on field. Metals do not emit magnetic field by themselves unless they are excited. Metals buried in the ground come into a chemical reaction with the mineral and metal compounds in the soil, which we may call 'rust'. As a result of this reaction, an electrolysis flow occurs between metal and soil structure and metal becomes subject to corrosion, resulting in a composition together with mineral or metal structure of the ground. And this phenomenon positively affects detection distance for the detectors.

pH value of the soil and mineral it contains as well as rich metal structure are factors leading to fast or slow reaction. For this reason, big metals at depths which are normally cannot be detected may be detected by GOLDEN KING DEEP PROCESSOR RADAR at in the depths up to 8 meter provided the above-mentioned conditions are present.